As we approach the first days of spring, lets recap what has been happening with Philadelphia Potter Lodge # 72. Winter has been rough with a few brothers ill. Most are doing fine so keep them in your prayers. In March's stated which was moved to the 2nd Thursday due to the Flower show, the lodge raised two new brothers. Congrats to them and to the members who performed the ritual. Super Job. May will be our out of state and brother hood night. Make an effort to attend this meeting. We will be hosting brothers from all three surrounding states. It is our chance to show them what a great Lodge we have. The Lafayette Hills Home Memorial Service may be cancelled due to sorry to say lack of interest. Attendance at the last two services was under 20 brothers and Ladies. Not many of the appointed officers even made the effort.
Speaking on attendance, it has been down at the stated meetings. Maybe it is the weather, but with Easter and Spring approaching lets make an effort to come out and show our Master and his officers that you appreciate what they do to keep this Lodge running.

2009 Dues is due at the April Stated. If you have not paid your dues ($50.00) for 2009 make the effort before you are suspended. Suspension from the Blue Lodge carries with it suspension from all other Masonic Bodies, including the Grand Lodge and Elizabethtown.

If you are presenting a petition for initiation and membership remember a check of $100.00 must be presented with the petition. Also bring the petition to the Lodge and do not mail it in. If you are presenting someone to Join, then it is expected that you will be there with him every step of the way. If you can not make that committment, than what is the point of recommending a friend to join the Lodge. By not being there with him what impression are you making on this candiate. Think about it.

In our Lodge there is a core group of Brothers, Past Masters and Officers who sad to say do everything that is needed to keep the Lodge running. It is sad to hear that some brothers do not even open the Lodge notice which is sent at a considerable expense both in money and time (20 hours) let alone read it or make an effort to attend the Lodge. Many things that are done monthly go unnoticed. Picking Lodge room, preparing the same, programs, degree teams and practice, picking dinner, Lodge notice of course, dues cards, charity letters, booking keeping, this is just a little reminder that meetings just don't happen. Christmas and Holiday parties and candies are not brought to us by Santa Claus. Sad to say many of our Brothes who do these thankless jobs are losing heart. If they decide to just sit by and do nothing, then a merger is not far away.